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About The Way

The Way started with Henry and Jack, an uncle and nephew co-founding team

Henry had spent many years teaching at the Mountain Cloud Zen Center in Santa Fe. Over that time he came to develop a unique approach, guiding many thousands of students through a journey of calming the nervous system, healing from trauma and coming to understand the illusion of the self.

Jack spent ten years in the corporate world, assuming that meditation was essentially a waste of time. A chance moment while hiking one day completely reversed his view, and he became convinced of the power of meditation to illuminate the human mind.

As a novice meditator, Jack tried various apps, but struggled to find the right system that could reliably lead him on a journey into the deeper end of meditation. Existing apps either offered only surface-level teaching, or lots of short-term, unrelated courses.

So, the two together — master and student, uncle and nephew — decided to create what was missing. A single, accessible path that can guide anyone into the beautiful depths that meditation can offer. A step-by-step journey towards understanding the mind, the nature of the self, and the possibilities of truly unconditional wellbeing.

With the help of an amazing team, Emma, James and Jeremy, they launched The Way in 2024.

Henry Shukman

Henry Shukman

Henry teaches mindfulness and awakening practices to a wide range of students from all traditions and walks of life. Henry is an authenticated Zen master in the Sanbo Zen lineage, and is the Spiritual Director Emeritus of Mountain Cloud Zen Center. Previous to this, Henry had a career as an award-winning author and poet. His struggles and traumatic experiences as a youth, combined with a spontaneous awakening experience at 19, paved the way for Henry to develop a well-rounded approach to spirituality and meditation – one that includes love for self and the world as its foundation.

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Jack Shukman

Jack Shukman

Jack spent 10 years in the corporate world, working at Credit Suisse and Boston Consulting Group. A chance experience while hiking in the Pyrenees mountains in 2022 led him to radically change his view on meditation. Today, he is immensely grateful for the privilege of getting to work side-by-side with his uncle, trying to build something he believes in wholeheartedly — an app that he needed to support his own practice!

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The Way App